And when
I think a little bit about it then the only reason why I should celebrate the
new year on the 1st of January is because everybody else does it.
That is fine. There should be not a problem with doing things because the rest
of people do them. But before we make the decision to do these things we should
investigate and analyse whether it is not causing harm to
others and in the best scenario we should take into consideration the principle
of what is best fall all. So that means that we should look at the point
whether the celebrations of new year are good for every being on this planet.
So the
first thing which is being associated with the celebrations are the fireworks.
They look cool and personally I really enjoy watching them. And the best place
to see the show is to be as close as possible to the launch platform so that
the explosions happen right above my head and so that I can hear the sound of
explosions. On couple of occasions I have watched the fireworks from the
mountain but because it was few kilometers away then the sound was coming with
the delay and the whole show was not the same. And the same is with watching
the show on the TV. It does not matter how spectacular it is, it will never beat
the experience of being directly under the explosions which happen right above
your head with the black sky in the background.
although from time to time somebody gets injured or gets burns during the
explosions, in general the fireworks show is rather safe if people follow the
safety rules. And for this reason we should not discard organizing these shows
just because somebody drunk has done something stupid and he got injured.
you’ll see… there is one point which most of us omit or ignore. The principle
of what is best for all includes that which is best for all beings on this
planet. And this all includes also animals, insects etc.
you’ll know what ?
fireworks shows are not good at all for the animals. If you have your pet at
home then you should know how scary it is for your puppy when the fireworks
start to explode. If you don’t a dog or cat or any other animal at home then I
am certain that you have heard more than once about it but then you simply
ignore it.
when I was kid I used to visit my grandmother during my school holidays. Then I
remember the moments when the plane was passing the sound barrier and in this
moment there was a noise similar to an explosion. On couple of occasions I saw
that the dog of my grandma running away from the underneath the tree where he
was resting because he got seriously scared. And then I also noticed that he
had the fear and resistance to ever go back and seat under this tree.
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