Sex ,sex, sex … This word has over 600 millions monthly searches on internet done from our PC and laptops. But this is not all. We may not forget that we live in an era of advanced technology and more and more people use mobile phones and other mobile devices to connect to the internet. And these people have made more than 400 mln searches. Thus altogether we have over 1 billion !!! searches for sex on internet per month.
Interesting… Isn't it ? Thus no surprise when people say that “sex sells”. If you want to make a profitable business then invest into sex industry and people will find you and you will money of it.
Now we should ask some questions. What is the reason that people are looking for it ?
The obvious answer is: “because we desire to have sex”.
But we may ask again another question: why people are looking for it ? Don't we have wives, husband's, boyfriends, girlfriends, lovers etc. with whom we do that stuff ? Maybe we do but - obviously for some reason - whatever we have is not enough or it is not what we really want. But are we going to have ever enough of it ? Maybe this is just another addiction ? Because the behavioral patterns of the people in regards to sex are in many cases matching exactly the patterns of addiction. Have you ever thought about it ? Most probably you didn't.
Also we have to consider another element. We have never enough of it and we always search for more of it because we have created some sort of fantasies in our minds in regards to sex and perfect relationships. But as I said this is fantasy which can never be fulfilled. This fantasy has been created in our minds right from the early years of our childhood. It has been initiated by our parents telling their children beautiful stories of “happily ever after”, reading them books about it before they go to sleep and letting them watch all these beautiful cartoons about it without explaining what is real. And later in life this is being continued by television, internet and the whole media industry in general.
Look at all these beautiful pictures of perfectly formed models on the posters, in the magazines, on television etc. They have perfect bodies, no fat, no wrinkles, white teeth etc. But this is not even real ! Most of it has been edited in Photoshop. It is fantasy. It will never be fulfilled because this doesn't exist in this reality. But yet you have been tricked to believe in it. You have been brainwashed and allowed yourself to desire it. You have become this desire and you are constantly searching and trying to find the ways to fulfill it at all cost. You are blinded by it and you don't realize that this is not possible to achieve.
The “marketing” which started right from the early years of your childhood has been effective and we can see it clearly - more then 1 billion searches for sex on internet every month is the reflection of it. The relationships that we have are almost never good enough because we always search for the fulfillment of our fantasy.
To be continued...
Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music

About the author
There is something in me which tells me: ...this world is not as it should be... this world is not as it could be... And I have tried to change it: ...I have prayed...I have hoped...I have meditated...I have visualized...I have thought positively... And I have tried many other things and methods. But very little has changed. Now it is time to be more practical and more effective. Now I work on implementation of LIVING INCOME GUARANTEED.
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