This is the continuation of a previous article: “WHY I DON'T TRUST POLITICIANS ? - PART 1”

But if the woman is wise then she will take a breath, stop the emotional reaction of butterflies in the stomach which make her blind and irrational and she will ask herself a question:

- does this man really love me ?
- do his words and action are one and equal ?
- does he show with his deeds in every moment that he loves me ?
- does he also love other people and animals ?
- does he do what is best for all in every moment ?

If she falls into the trap of beautiful but empty words of a man who wants to have sex with this woman and this is the way to get it ( just like the promises of the politicians which raise the emotions in people ) then her relationship is going to be just like the career of the politician - she will be used and abused in the same way as the politicians abuse the position of power in the government for their own needs. She will get disappointed and eventually they will break up.

Here is very important question: will she do the same mistake in the next elections when the next man comes into her live and will try to get her support with beautiful words ? Knowing the psychology of humans and their addiction to feelings generated by beautiful yet empty words I would say that the answer to this question will be yes. The same as we do with political elections every 4-5 years.

And this is the main reason why I don't trust politicians who use beautiful words of grander without showing me that they live them in every moment as themselves. And you know what ? Once you live your words in real life you don't need to write beautiful speeches on the paper because then you will be able to speak in any moment without the preparation. And your words will be reflection of truth and they will carry the true substance of you because every words that you speak will be the living word ( the word that you speak and live it ).

I have also noticed very similar type of behavior with people who are in court. And to get a lesser penalty they just say the word “I am sorry”. I am sure that you have noticed it too. They are not saying it because they are sorry but because they should and because they will get lesser verdict.

Ok… what can we do now in the next elections to come if almost all of the politicians are liars ? Maybe you should become a politician yourself and then make sure that your promises are not empty promises. But first you must understand and prove for yourself that your words are living words and you act in the best interest of all. If you want to learn more about the “living words” have a look at people from Desteni Group. We are making video logs on Youtube and other social media and there you may see and hear that we don't read from the paper when we speak. We talk about our experiences and things that we have proven for ourselves and we live the words that we speak. And these are the people that maybe you should consider to vote for when we start forming and creating the Equal Life Party in the years to come.

P.S. Did you know that the politicians ( especially the top politicians like presidents, kings, queens etc. ) are using very often the professionals who write them appropriate speech. The speech doesn't come from them at all. It is written by somebody else who is using appropriate words. And I have heard that Erich Honecker who used to be the leader of the communist party in East Germany had a professional writer who was getting paid big sum of money ( equivalent to many thousands of euro ) for each speech. Will you trust somebody who is saying all the beautiful words of grander but in reality he is reading somebody's else's writing and on top of it, the writer also doesn't give a shit about the words that he is writing ? Would you get married with somebody who says that he loves you but he would read a letter written by somebody else ?

Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music

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Well… I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't trust politicians because people talk about it openly all the time. We have been promised by the candidates in each electoral campaign that once we vote for them they are going to fix the problems, improve the unemployment, lower the taxes etc. They lure us with beautiful words and promise us everything that we want to hear to gain our support for them but once they are being elected, the time goes by and their electoral promises are still hanging in the air. And the same story happens time after time, election after election. Thus this is the reason why eventually people stop trusting politicians and call them openly “liars”. This is even being stated in the dictionary when we look at the definition of politician:


1. a person who is active in party politics.
2. a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles.*


WTF… This has already become so obvious that even dictionary talks about it. And this is also the reason why many people don't even participate in the voting anymore because they have been disappointed many times and they know that the situation is going to repeat itself again.

And of course I also take into consideration this point when I say that I don’t trust the politicians because of their empty promises from the past. But the main reason why they don't trust them is this:

I don’t trust them because when they make a speech they are reading it from the paper.

Everything else is perfect: they make perfect surrounding and create appropriate atmosphere, they smile, they have open body language etc. but...... And this one single “BUT” is a very important “BUT”. They don’t speak it live BUT they speak from the paper. And I didn’t learn it from any book or from anyone. I have had this knowingness of it in me always and almost every time whenever I listen to somebody reading from the paper then there is something not “right” about it, something is missing and there is emptiness in the words. As a teenager I didn't understand what it was but later in life it all has become clear to me. When the politician makes ( reads ) a speech from the paper he/she is using big and beautiful words because they want to gain the support from people this way. They do it and people vote for them - it is effective way to gain voters. But this is not just the fault of the politician and I do not want to judge and blame them for this. Because the voters allow themselves to fall into the trap of manipulation through beautiful words thus both sides are equally responsible for the consequences of having politicians who are liars. They lie, we believe them and accept it, we applaud them, clap the hands, we vote for them and we have another 4 or 5 year term with the liars in the parliament – simple as that.

Thus the candidate or the politician is using big and beautiful words because he wants to win the support of the voters. But the words are empty and they don't carry any substance whatsoever. And I am sure that you know what I'm talking about. There is a huge difference between the word spoken in a speech because it sounds great and people respond to it, and the word that is spoken by person who is living the word in real life. Let’s take some big words like “love” and use it as an example. I could organize a surprise and take a woman to a beautiful place at the sunset, make a beautiful flower arrangement, buy a diamond ring and say to her: “I love you”. And if she is just like the voters who clap the hands and starts having the tears in her eyes because apparently I have touched her heart then I will have a girlfriend or a wife. But if the woman is wise…

To be continued…

Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music

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This is the continuation of the previous article: 2012 - IS PRAYING TO GOD AN INVESTMENT – PART 1 ?

5. Now let's have a look at the whole process or making a prayer to god. There are various methods:

- we go to the church, we make the prayer, we give some coins to the priest for leading the mess and we go home hoping that god will answer our prayer one day.

- we do the prayer at home, we take the rosary, repeat the prayer so many times and expect the same result.

- some people also offer something to god or charity hoping that their good deed will please god and he will answer their prayer. In regards to the offering of something to god to please him we’ve had various forms of it throughout the history – apart from giving money to the priest, in the past we were killing the animals or even the children because we were convinced that this will please god.

Now let's have a look at the definition of the investment. What is an investment ?

“…Investment is the investing of money or capital in order to gain profitable returns, as interest, income or appreciation in value…” *

Do you see the similarities ? The whole process of prayer looks like one of the best investment opportunities. You give some small coins to the priest ( your costs ), dedicate your time to prayers and weekly messes in the church** and expect to get a profit ( thousands or even millions of dollars ).

If you are not into giving the coins to the priest then there is also very common practice when you promise god that after you for example win the lottery ( thanks to the intervention of god ) you will give a certain percentage of it to the charities. This is also another form of investment. The final costs of it are maybe higher*** but at least you pay the costs only if the investment is profitable ( low risk investment ).

But this doesn't make sense at all. If God is so powerful and able to intervene into the laws and regulations of the lottery then why doesn't he give the whole jackpot to the charity directly himself ? To be possible for god to give money to charity he needs to help you to win the jackpot and only later you will give 10 - 30% of it to charity. There is no logic in it at all !!! And by the way why would this almighty god need to use the lottery to give money to a poor people and charity ? Why doesn't he create the money himself and gives it to all poor people directly ? By interventions into the laws of lottery god would be fucking up completely the rules and regulations of Bernanke’s Federal Reserve System and I assure you he would not be happy at all about it.

These are the facts. But of course if you believe strongly in god then you will not see it this way at all. You will see it as heresy, you will feel offended and hurt inside. You will not be able to read this article at all. You will reject it, you will try to defend your beliefs and maybe even attack me and everybody else who is trying to shake up your self-created beautiful believes about almighty god. But you know what ? This is just “normal” reaction because all of your beliefs that exist inside of you make you blind and you don’t see the facts even though they are here right in front of your eyes. You see it but you see them through a filter which distorts the reality but at the same time you think and believe that you are completely right. Ask yourself the questions and look just at the facts:

- What is the reality in our world ?

- There is starvation, poverty, hunger, war, crime, prostitution etc.

- Why God in his almightiness doesn't change it ???????????????????????????????????

**time is also defined as capital in the world of business
*** when you go to the church every week for a mess you usually pay about 1-5 $ for the priest while in the second option people usually promise about 10 – 30 % ( this is called negotiation in the world of business and investment ) of the total prize from the lottery which could sometimes be few millions of dollars ( 10 % from 10 million $ = 1 million $ for charity ).

Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music


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I know that this is a bit touchy topic because I will be talking about God and we have been taught and convinced into believing that everything that comes from God is perfect. Thus we should not question it or in any case criticize him. But I am not trying to attack god at all. I am just looking at the things the way they are in front of me, just looking at the facts. I leave on the side the beliefs ( e.g. that everything that comes from god is good and perfect ) because the believes and hopes make us blind and we act completely irrationally.

In general every religion is based on the concept that our lives on earth are some form of preparation and test before we go to heaven and experience eternal bliss while being next to God. We have been also convinced into believing that this material world is something not important because all that matters is heaven – the invisible, non-material, eternal world after the death.

Thus let's have a look at the facts when it comes to praying to god for money.

1. As I said before materialistic world is being treated by religious people as something not important, as something that is dirty and degrading to the soul. But the fact is that we are here and we must live here until we die. And while we live here we are subject to the rules of this material world. Thus we have to eat, drink, wear cloths, get a house, go to the doctor etc. And all of those activities of our daily life will run smoothly ( for majority of the humans ) if we have money.

2. Another fact related to it, is that in the capitalistic system there is limited amount of money and majority of us struggle to get them. We try to get the money in every possible way but there simply isn’t just enough of them and this has a great influence on how we function every day because if you don't have money you will have no food. The most common way of getting the money is through getting the job or making own business providing various services and goods in exchange for money. But even then we are not getting enough of them and we are constantly searching and trying different methods to get more of them including robbery, lying, cheating, prostitution or even killing sometimes. Some of us are lucky and they win the lottery or inherit a fortune from a family but this doesn't happen too often.

3. Another way of getting the money or rather we should say a method of trying to get money is by asking God for it through the prayer. As a matter of fact this is something against the principles of the religion because as I said in the beginning, the religion is looking at the material world as something degrading to the soul and thus we should not ask god about material things. But no matter what the principles of the religion says, asking God for money is one of the most common subjects of our prayers. This is another fact and I have to admit that I did it myself too.

What is the efficiency of it ? Well… There are people who say that their prayer has been answered by god. But in general it is difficult to prove it because many people give credit to god for something that was a consequence and normal outflow of their actions ( including the law of attraction ) or it was just a coincidence. Apart from this there are no precise statistics about it and as I said before not all people would admit that they are asking God for material things. But without having any statistics about it all we need to do is just to look at this world and then the answer should be clear. There is too much suffering and starvation, which indicate that praying to god for money is not effective. And I guarantee you that most of those starving people pray to god for food and money. But even though this is so obvious ( 1 billion of starving people on earth ) we don't want to accept that there is something missing here. Either we pray in a wrong way, or god just ignores us completely or he doesn’t exist at all. We find some silly excuses trying to explain why god hasn't answered our prayer yet and we continue praying, and praying, and praying… But the fact is that this is not as effective as we think and believe it is.

4. Why do you pray for money to God ? Does God have the printing machines to print the money ? Of course you don’t look at this from this point of view. You have been taught and made to believe blindly in god and his unlimited wisdom and power. But the fact is that God doesn't control the money because the money has not been created nor printed by god. By praying to god for money we state that he should make a phone call to Ben Bernanke ( the chairman of the Federal Reserve System ) and tell him to give you the money. Or maybe we should be rather praying to Ben instead to god ? Of course the chances of Ben giving us the money are very slim because this would be against the rules and regulations of the capitalistic system ( inflation etc. ). All that he would do is saying: “I can give you money but you have to pay me the interest for it”. And this is the fact.

To be continued….

Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music

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