This is the continuation of the previous article:


Ok... and what about me and what I think about the 21 Dec 2012 and Mayan prophecy about the end of times ? On the contrary to my friend I have been involved into spirituality and the new age movement for about 20 years and I have investigated this topic quite thoroughly - I have read about it and I have heard many different theories from other people involved into spirituality.

And you know what ? I don't believe ( actually I am certain ) that nothing will happen on the 21st of December. There will be planet alignment which is unusual event because it happens once in 26,000 years but it is only unusual when we take into consideration a span of human life. But in the life and the existence of universe ( which counts the time in billions or maybe trillions of earthy years ) this is just a normal event - just another cycle. It is just unusual for people who make most wonderful stories in their minds about this event. You know... in the mind we can imagine anything we want and it could be the most beautiful wish, dream or desire but in the end it is just fiction - it is not real.

The reality is different. I don't have to write about it here. Just look yourself on the news and on internet. And you know who has created it ? Yes... us ( people ). It was neither god nor devil. It is just that we don't want to admit it and take responsibility for it because that means that we would have to work our asses off to make the change in the world because the mess is enormous and it will require a lot of effort to change it. And people got used to have comfortable life and thus to avoid the hard work we would rather create a belief ( excuse ) about the god, the savior or miraculous event ( shift in consciousness, planet alignment ) which would clean the mess for us in an instant so that we could continue our comfortable life.

But the reality is different. We will still be here on the 22nd of Dec 2012 and we will have to go to work ( those who are lucky to have one ) and deal with the shit that we have allowed and created in this world. There is only 2 possibilities to get out of the shit that we are in right now. We either continue the way we do it now and we will destroy life on this planet completely ( at the moment this is the direction that we are heading for ) or we get our asses of the comfortable sofa and start working together and cleaning the mess.

Thus it will be interesting to see the reactions of so many people who allowed themselves to accept the belief about the mysterious event on the 21st of Dec, 2012 and when they see that nothing happened of what they have expected. Some will wake up and start to ask questions about the spirituality, new age, Armageddon etc. but there will be also those who will come up with another idea that the event will happen somewhere in the future and they will wait for it. Because this is what so many of us want - we want to believe in something in the future instead of being here and working with what is here to make a world which is best for all.

To be continued...

Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music

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We have only less then 18 days left to the historical moment when the Mayan calendar ends... 21 December 2012. According to some theories this is the moment when the world ends but according to others this is the moment when we will enter into a new dimension and in that process of shifting into 5th dimension the world and human consciousness and mind will be transformed by the strong energies on the galactic equator and we will live in a better world of harmony, peace, love etc.

Anyway there are a lot of theories about it and this especially popular topic among the spiritual and new age groups. But what about the normal people on the street who don't know much about the meditation, energies etc. ?

Today I had a chance to listen to the phone conversation of one of my friends. He was trying to warn his friend that between the 19th and 24th there will be series of some disastrous events ( like earthquakes and tsunamis ) as a result of the planets alignment. After this conversation I have asked him few questions because I was really curious where from and what kind of information people get about this event. He explained to me that it was his mother who has told him some time ago about the Mayan prophecy but then he mentioned that he observes the news and the situation in the world and it make sense to him that we need population reduction in the world.

It was obvious to me that he could not explain to me what, when and why in details because he hasn't spent much time investigating it but still it has got to him some information about the event of 21st of December 2012.

And what is his plan of action regarding this event ?

His sister is completely freaking out and wants to hide in the higher ground but my friend takes an approach that if it is meant to happen then it doesn't matter where you are, it will get you.

To be continued...

Greg Wiater - Desteni I Process
EQAFE - Self perfection books, audio & music

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